The Hemmed in Prayer Ministry began in the Living Word Seventh-day Adventist Church in October 2016. The group meets the third Sunday of each month.
The purpose of the HIP Ministry is to:
One of the items the members of this ministry have been making is prayer shawls. Before beginning the shawl and during the creation of it the one making the shawl prays for the person who will be receiving it. Then the shawl is brought to one of the meetings where the members lay hands on it and pray for the recipient before it is given away. Prayer blankets have also been created for the same purpose. Blessing tags for the recipient are attached to the shawl or blanket.
Shawls and blankets can be given to those undergoing medical procedures, as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress, bridal shower or wedding gift, during an illness and recovery, ministering to others, graduation, birthday, anniversary...there are endless possibilities!
The HIP Ministry is open to ideas of other handmade items that would bless our church members and our community.
Our most recent project was to make hats and blankets to send to Dr. Jonathan and Allie Thorpe to distribute to patients at Scheer Memorial Hospital in Nepal, where they are medical missionaries. The total is 10 blankets and 125 caps (21 premie, 67 newborn and 37 adult). Whew! That's lots of hours of fingers flying!